‘We are just getting started’: the plastic-eating bacteria that could change the world

The long read: When a microbe was found munching on a plastic bottle in a rubbish dump, it promised a recycling revolution. Now scientists are attempting to turbocharge those powers in a bid to solve our waste crisis. But will it work?

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    FullofStars (#3921)
    1 year ago

    I cringe every time I read about this…. bacteria that will eat the plastic that makes up our current world.

    Larry Niven’s Ringworld series showed a hyper advanced tech society effectively devastated into a tech-medieval level… Later in the series, we find one of the other races wanted to cripple the Engineers by …. sending a microbe that ate away all their superconductors.

    So you got a warning from sci-fi that we are walking into head first.

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