Kenneth Chesebro takes last-minute plea deal, agrees to testify in Georgia election case
Added on October 21st, 2023 by tiki god | Report Post
Front Page Tags:Donald Trump's Indictment, Politics
Front Page Tags:Donald Trump's Indictment, Politics
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Hilariously, there are MAGAt lolyers out there claiming that *somewhow* the three plea deals that DA Willis has secured are indicative of a weak case, and that it’s all falling apart. (See, (or don’t), @shipwreckedcrew on the shit-site formerly known as Twitter.) I suppose they’re just feeding that to the base to keep the fundraising grift going for another few weeks, or months. Worth noting the Cheese pled to a *felony*, so his next job is likely junior fry cook at a fast-food chain. (Presumably, as a first offender, his record can get expunged at the end of his 5… Read more »
he can always start a pillow company I hear the market is going to be pretty open soon.
All the machinery at rock bottom prices, with plenty of manufacturing floor space to sublet.
I’m actually assuming all that shit was made somewhere else and shipped to the US to be sold to rubes.
Ah yes, because every knows you plead guilty or take a plea deal when you can absolutely win your defense. MAGAts are dumb.