I, for one, welcome the opportunity to have the US Army take over control of Texas.
I mean, the next Civil War is likely to go a little faster than the last. Back then, the South didn’t have many arms factories, and that handicapped them. This time, unless I’m very much mistaken, they don’t have an Air Force, or a Navy, and those might end up being decisive.
The agreement we had with Texass when they joined the Union doesn’t allow Texass to secede from the Union. They can, however, split into up into as many as five separate states.
I, for one, welcome the opportunity to have the US Army take over control of Texas.
I mean, the next Civil War is likely to go a little faster than the last. Back then, the South didn’t have many arms factories, and that handicapped them. This time, unless I’m very much mistaken, they don’t have an Air Force, or a Navy, and those might end up being decisive.
The agreement we had with Texass when they joined the Union doesn’t allow Texass to secede from the Union. They can, however, split into up into as many as five separate states.