“Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: The Long Mirage” Review by Lessaccurategrandmother.blogspot.com

Lessaccurategrandmother.blogspot.com has added a new review for David R. George III‘s “Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: The Long Mirage”:

The Long Mirage picks up from the last David R. George III Deep Space Nine novel, Ascendance, following up on the stories of Quark, Ro, Nog, Kira, and Odo, most prominently. And this is absolutely going to sound like damning with faint praise, but… it is a book about people with goals trying to accomplish them! After my frustrations with Ascendance (“Can you really write sixty pages of a novel with no clear narrative direction? Apparently so.”), this is a blessed relief. Quark wants to find Morn… and sets out to do so. Ro wants to avoid her boyfriend and figure out her relationships with Quark… and sets out to do so. Nog wants to fix Vic Fontaine’s program… and sets out to do so. Kira wants to figure out the mystery of the falsework and help with unrest on Bajor… and sets out to do so. Odo wants to find out what’s going on with a Dominion ship approaching the station… and sets out to do so! Amazingly competent plotting. I’ll tackle each of these in turn, and talk about the extent to which they work.

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