“Star Trek: The Next Generation: Hearts and Minds” Review by Lessaccurategrandmother.blogspot.com

Lessaccurategrandmother.blogspot.com has added a new review for and and and and ‘s “Star Trek: The Next Generation: Hearts and Minds”:

Way back in installments #1 and 4 of this chronological marathon, I read two original series novels, From History’s Shadow and Elusive Salvation, because their events would be referenced in a Destiny-era book. Over seven years later, that connection finally pays off with Hearts and Minds, which provides a third and final installment to Dayton Ward’s “secret history” sequence of novels about the Aegis and the U.S. security apparatus. Was it all worth it? Well, I may have appreciated the connections more had I read the books closer together, like they were released. That, I suppose, is the downside of reading in chronological order.

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