Here’s your last chance to grab this month’s ebook deals: 19 books on sale for $1.99 each:
Star Trek: 26 Pawns And Symbols
Star Trek: 27 Mindshadow
Star Trek: 8 Black Fire
Star Trek: A Singular Destiny
Star Trek: Captain’s Blood
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: Millennium: 2 The War Of The Prophets
Star Trek: Discovery: The Way To The Stars
Star Trek: Enterprise: Last Full Measure
Star Trek: Imzadi Forever
Star Trek: New Frontier: 6 Fire on High
Star Trek: New Frontier: Missing In Action
Star Trek: Strange New Worlds 9
Star Trek: Tales From The Captain’s Table
Star Trek: The Lost Era: 2311 Serpents Among The Ruins
Star Trek: The Next Generation: Armageddon’s Arrow
Star Trek: The Next Generation: Losing The Peace
Star Trek: Voyager: Gateways: 5 No Man’s Land
Star Trek: Voyager: Homecoming Book 1
Star Trek: Voyager: Mosaic