Out Today: “Star Trek: Defiant HC #2”
Out today: “Star Trek: Defiant HC #2“, by Christopher Cantwell.
Still reeling from the battle on Qo’noS, Worf and the Defiant crew have been ordered to return to Starfleet headquarters. Despite their heroic actions, the Federation can’t celebrate the crew’s involvement in the fight against Kahless and the Red Path. In fact, they’re forced to discharge Worf and his crew! With the unspoken, unwritten agreement that they’ll operate with full Starfleet authority… completely off the books. Disavowed from Starfleet, Worf and his crew set out in their new roles as secret bounty hunters for the Federation. Their targets: untouchable criminals protected by treaties and alliances. They’ll take on villains from across Star Trek’s history such as an individualized ex-member of the Borg Collective, a time-traveling con man from The Next Generation, and an alien gangster from Sigma Iotia II. Collects issues #8-11 and the Defiant Annual.
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Out Today: “Star Trek #21”
Out today: “Star Trek #21“, by Collin Kelly and Jackson Lanzing.
Welcome to the Pleroma, a place outside time and space where god-level species have gathered to discuss the fate of the universe! It’s up to Captain Sisko and his valiant crew of the U.S.S. Theseus to persuade the gods to allow them to help repair Kahless’ unraveling of space-time-but will they listen to mere mortals responsible for their prophesied undoing?
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Preview of “Star Trek #21”
Here’s a preview of Star Trek #21 by Collin Kelly and Jackson Lanzing which is due to be released this Wednesday on June 19, 2024 at your local comic shop and digital retailers:
“Star Trek: Voyager: String Theory: 2 Fusion” Review by Treklit.com
Treklit.com has added a new review for Kirsten Beyer‘s “Star Trek: Voyager: String Theory: 2 Fusion”:
Continuing the String Theory trilogy which began in James Swallow’s Cohesion, Fusion almost feels like a spooky ghost ship-type story as the tale of this mysterious region of space is picked up by author Kirsten Beyer. Many Star Trek book fans will know Kirsten as the author of the amazing run of post-finale Star Trek: Voyager novels that began with Full Circle back in 2009 and culminated in 2020’s To Lose the Earth. Her career has of course now expanded into the television arena, as she works as a writer and producer on a few of the new Star Trek series under Alex Kurtzman.
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Star Trek Book Deals For Mid June 2024
While hanging out on the TrekBBS, I was made aware of this page on Amazon that lists at least 78 books on sale for $0.99 – $1.99 each, This list obviously includes the month long sale on select books, but also includes a large number of books that never make it to that list that may or may not be on sale for very long. I’ve been told from a few people that books are sometimes only on sale for just a couple days! I’ve bookmarked it and will be checking it for my own purposes every few days and will only be adding a post to the site here once a month around the 15th.
Star Trek 7: Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan
Star Trek: 30 Demons
Star Trek: 85 My Brother’s Keeper Book 1: Republic
Star Trek: 87 My Brother’s Keeper Book 3: Enterprise
Star Trek: A Contest of Principles
Star Trek: Dark Victory
Star Trek: Day of Honor Omnibus
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: 17 The Heart Of The Warrior
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: 2 The Siege
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: Gamma: Original Sin
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: Millennium: Fall of Terok Nor/War of the Prophets/Inferno
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: Revenant
Star Trek: Department of Temporal Investigations: Forgotten History
Star Trek: Discovery: Dead Endless
Star Trek: Enterprise Logs
Star Trek: Enterprise: What Price Honor?
Star Trek: Errand Of Vengeance 1: The Edge Of The Sword
Star Trek: Ex Machina
Star Trek: Legacies: Book 1: Captain To Captain
Star Trek: Legacies: Book 2: Best Defense
Star Trek: New Earth: Book 2: Belle Terre
Star Trek: New Earth: Book 4: The Flaming Arrow
Star Trek: New Earth: Book 5: Thin Air
Star Trek: New Earth: Book 6: Challenger
Star Trek: Picard: The Last Best Hope
Star Trek: Section 31: Control
Star Trek: Starfleet Corps of Engineers: Omnibus 1: Have Tech, Will Travel
Star Trek: Starfleet Corps of Engineers: Omnibus 2: Miracle Workers
Star Trek: Starfleet Corps of Engineers: The Light
Star Trek: Strange New Worlds: The High Country
Star Trek: Tales of the Dominion War
Star Trek: Terok Nor: Day of the Vipers
Star Trek: Terok Nor: Night of the Wolves
Star Trek: The Fall: A Ceremony of Losses
Star Trek: The Fall: Peaceable Kingdoms
Star Trek: The Fall: The Crimson Shadow
Star Trek: The Fall: The Poisoned Chalice
Star Trek: The Klingon Dictionary
Star Trek: The Last Roundup
Star Trek: The Next Generation: 17 Boogeymen
Star Trek: The Next Generation: 20 Spartacus
Star Trek: The Next Generation: 21 Chains Of Command
Star Trek: The Next Generation: 37 The Last Stand
Star Trek: The Next Generation: 57 The Forgotten War
Star Trek: The Next Generation: 60 Tooth And Claw
Star Trek: The Next Generation: 61 Diplomatic Implausibility
Star Trek: The Next Generation: 62 Maximum Warp Book One
Star Trek: The Next Generation: Dark Mirror
Star Trek: The Next Generation: Gateways: 3 Doors into Chaos
Star Trek: The Next Generation: I, Q
Star Trek: The Next Generation: Indistinguishable from Magic
Star Trek: The Next Generation: Resistance
Star Trek: The Next Generation: Shadows Have Offended
Star Trek: The Next Generation: Ship Of The Line
Star Trek: The Next Generation: Takedown
Star Trek: The Next Generation: The Battle Of Betazed
Star Trek: The Next Generation: The Buried Age
Star Trek: The Original Series: Child of Two Worlds
Star Trek: The Original Series: Errand Of Vengeance 2: Killing Blow
Star Trek: The Original Series: From History’s Shadow
Star Trek: The Original Series: No Time Like the Past
Star Trek: The Original Series: Savage Trade
Star Trek: The Original Series: The Folded World
Star Trek: The Original Series: The Latter Fire
Star Trek: Titan: Orion’s Hounds
Star Trek: Titan: Taking Wing
Star Trek: Troublesome Minds
Star Trek: Typhon Pact: 1 Zero Sum Game
Star Trek: Typhon Pact: 5 The Struggle Within
Star Trek: Vanguard: Declassified
Star Trek: Vanguard: Harbinger
Star Trek: Vanguard: Open Secrets
Star Trek: Vanguard: Precipice
Star Trek: Vanguard: What Judgments Come
Star Trek: Voyager: 13 The Black Shore
Star Trek: Voyager: Full Circle
Star Trek: Voyager: The Nanotech War
Star Trek: Voyager: To Lose The Earth
Happy 2024 Birthday to Sondra Marshak!
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Happy birthday to Sondra Marshak!
Sondra Marshak is the author and editor of several early Star Trek novels, and also one of the biographers of William Shatner. She often collaborates with Myrna Culbreath.
Check out the Sondra Marshak author page to view more author updates and a full list of books!
Find Sondra Marshak’s work on Amazon.com
Out Today: “Journey to the Inner Light: The Life and Musical Voyage of Jay Chattaway, Star Trek, Jazz, and Film Composer”
Out today: “Journey to the Inner Light: The Life and Musical Voyage of Jay Chattaway, Star Trek, Jazz, and Film Composer“, by Terri Potts-Chattaway.
Journey to the Inner Light: The Life and Musical Voyage of Jay Chattaway, Star Trek, Jazz, and Film Composer is the story of the twentieth-century Emmy Award-winning American composer behind the scores of hundreds of beloved Star Trek television episodes. Jay rose from humble beginnings in southwestern Pennsylvania, where he grew up along the banks of the Monongahela River, simultaneously discovering his talent for music and his love of the open water. This passion for the aquatic-seen in his naval career and his adventures sailing the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans-blends seamlessly with his passion for composing original compositions and film scores.
In Journey to the Inner Light, the author celebrates Jay’s successes and, at the same time, reveals some of the challenges he faces as he moves through five decades of the music industry. She also opens a window into his private life for a three-dimensional portrait. Additionally, Journey to the Inner Light explores the creative process as Jay attempts to answer the question most asked of him: “Where does the music come from?”
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Star Trek Books Coming In The Next 30 Days, as of June 14, 2024
By: Greg Cox
July 23, 2024
A thrilling new Star Trek “movie era” novel from New York Times bestselling author Greg Cox! Three Eras. Three Mysteries. One Ancient Enemy? 2024: Almost forty years ago, marine biologist Gillian Armstrong stormed away from her dream job at San Francisco’s Cetacean Institute—and was never seen or heard from again. Now a new true crime […]
By: Anthony Taylor
July 2, 2024
What made many of the great adventure comics of the 1960s so attractive were their fantastic painted covers by artist George Wilson. Wilson’s covers harkened back to the era of pulp magazines and were spectacularly eye-catching. He turned in efforts for literally hundreds of comics titles including: Classics Illustrated, The Twilight Zone, Ripley’s Believe It […]
July 11, 2024
Since the publication of the first James Blish novelizations of Star Trek episodes in 1967, close to 900 tie-in novels, anthologies, and omnibus editions have been published. Star Trek tie-in novels have had a significant influence on Western popular culture. The works of beloved science fiction authors have shaped the way fans understand Star Trek […]
By: Collin Kelly, Jackson Lanzing
June 19, 2024
Welcome to the Pleroma, a place outside time and space where god-level species have gathered to discuss the fate of the universe! It’s up to Captain Sisko and his valiant crew of the U.S.S. Theseus to persuade the gods to allow them to help repair Kahless’ unraveling of space-time-but will they listen to mere mortals […]
By: Christopher Cantwell
June 19, 2024
Still reeling from the battle on Qo’noS, Worf and the Defiant crew have been ordered to return to Starfleet headquarters. Despite their heroic actions, the Federation can’t celebrate the crew’s involvement in the fight against Kahless and the Red Path. In fact, they’re forced to discharge Worf and his crew! With the unspoken, unwritten agreement […]
By: Christopher Cantwell
June 26, 2024
It’s now or never for the Defiant crew if they are to survive the parasitic infestation on the isolated Section 31 outpost Starbase 99. But with B’Elanna still connected to both Borg ally Hugh and the parasite hivemind, Nymira nowhere to be found, and a giant portal connecting their reality to a horde of hellish […]
By: Collin Kelly, Jackson Lanzing
July 3, 2024
With no one but himself to blame for his brother’s sudden escape during the Klingon Day of Blood, Lieutenant Commander Data sheds his Starfleet uniform for an ensemble inspired by none other than Sherlock Holmes to track down Lore’s whereabouts… and figure out what sinister plans he’s been scheming. With the one and only Miles […]
By: Morgan Hampton
July 3, 2024
The final chapter! What do you get when you cross three of the Federation’s most celebrated sons with a misguided god? An alternate reality full of lessons that may be just what the doctor ordered. But with Jake Sisko’s enrollment in the Pennington School, Alexander Rozhenko’s prison sentence, and Nog’s first Starfleet posting all fast […]
By: Collin Kelly, Jackson Lanzing
July 17, 2024
The meeting of the gods at the Pleroma continues as Captain Sisko confronts his celestial mother in the very fabric of space and time! Why was he called home to help in the fight against Kahless, only to be forbidden from attempting to protect the universe from the brutal aftermath? Meanwhile, Beverly Crusher boldly outmaneuvers […]
Microsoft to test “new features and more” for aging, stubbornly popular Windows 10
Support ends next year, but Windows 10 remains the most-used version of the OS.
“Star Trek: The Next Generation: Pliable Truths” Review by Positivelytrek.com
Positivelytrek.com has added a new review for Dayton Ward‘s “Star Trek: The Next Generation: Pliable Truths”:
In this episode of the Positively Trek Book Club, hosts Dan Gunther and Bruce Gibson are once again joined by New York Times Bestselling author Dayton Ward to discuss his new novel, Star Trek: The Next Generation: Pliable Truths. We talk about the story of the transition from TNG to DS9 that we have been waiting decades to read!
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Happy 2024 Birthday to Paul Kupperberg!
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Happy birthday to Paul Kupperberg!
Paul Kupperberg is a former editor for DC Comics, and a prolific writer of comic books and newspaper strips. While with DC, he wrote in excess of 600 individual issues in a wide variety of titles, including two in the first Star Trek line, #18: “Rest and Recreation!” and #30: “Uhura’s Story”. Other titles he wrote for include Action Comics, Aquaman, Batman, Captain America, The Flash, and Wonder Woman.
In July 2004, he revisited the Star Trek universe with the eBook Sargasso Sector which was published as #42 in the Pocket SCE series.
Check out the Paul Kupperberg author page to view more author updates and a full list of books!
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Happy 2024 Birthday to Ben Robinson!
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Happy birthday to Ben Robinson!
Ben Robinson is the English writer and editor of several Star Trek-related reference works and projects.
Robinson is the grandson of Bernard Robinson, most notably known as the production designer of most Hammer films made from 1957 until 1968. A 1991 University of York graduate holding a Masters degree in English and Related Literature, Robinson was an Original Series fan from an early age.
In 1996, Robinson’s first two years of working for GE Fabbri saw him serve as one of the initiators, editors, and writers of the comprehensive Star Trek Fact Files partwork magazine. He worked alongside Marcus Riley, Penny L. Juday, Larry Nemecek, Guy Vardaman, Tim Gaskill, and Judith and Garfield Reeves-Stevens on this project.
Following the tremendous success of the Fact Files which sold over 50 million units, he was reassigned to edit its US counterpart called Star Trek: The Magazine in 1998. A noted contribution that he made for the latter publication was the extensive interview he conducted with legendary Original Series Art Director Matt Jefferies which was published over five issues during the 2000-2002 run of the magazine. Later, Robinson followed this up with an interview featuring Andrew Probert, one of Jefferies’ successors. Over this period, he conducted interviews with many of the actors, designers, directors, writers, and effects artists involved with the franchise. Nicholas Meyer, Leonard Nimoy, and Robert Wise were among his favorite interviewees. Along the way, Robinson also compiled a massive archive of Trek materials outside of Paramount’s vaults.
Check out the Ben Robinson author page to view more author updates and a full list of books!
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“Star Trek: Prey: Book 1: Hell’s Heart” Review by Lessaccurategrandmother.blogspot.com
Lessaccurategrandmother.blogspot.com has added a new review for John Jackson Miller‘s “Star Trek: Prey: Book 1: Hell’s Heart”:
Read enough of an author’s work, and you begin to notice what interests them, their recurrent themes and obsessions. LibraryThing tells me I own twenty-six books with contributions by John Jackson Miller, of which I have read seventeen
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“Star Trek: Celebrations #1” Review by Msn.com
Msn.com has added a new review for Hannah Rose May and Magdalene Visaggio and Steve Orlando and Vita Ayala‘s “Star Trek: Celebrations #1”:
IDW’s new Star Trek Celebrations: Pride is a glorious celebration of the franchise’s various LGBTQIA+ characters. The Star Trek franchise is built upon the concepts of tolerance and an appreciation for diversity. Indeed, the franchise blazed a trail when it came to representation. This tradition continues into the current Star Trek media, stronger than ever. Star Trek Celebrations: Pride celebrates this tradition with all-new stories by today’s top talent.
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“Star Trek: Sons of Star Trek #3” Review by Trekcentral.net
Trekcentral.net has added a new review for Morgan Hampton‘s “Star Trek: Sons of Star Trek #3”:
In the last issue, Jake, Alexander, and Nog had finally escaped Q Junior’s time loop, but that was just the beginning of their problems. This week, in Sons of Star Trek #3, their trials in this alternate universe continue. A last-minute mind-meld and a risky ship maneuver was enough to break the time loop, but not enough to break them out of this universe. Now there’s an army of cloaked Breen slowly phasing aboard, and the ship’s in a state of disrepair.
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“Star Trek #20” Review by Comicsxf.com
Comicsxf.com has added a new review for Collin Kelly and Jackson Lanzing‘s “Star Trek #20”:
Trek Talks is back and covering a pair of stories all about breaking barriers and plumbing the depths of past continuity! Star Trek #20, written by Collin Kelly & Jackson Lanzing with art by Megan Levens, colors by Lee Loughridge and letters by Clayton Cowles. Star Trek: Defiant #15, written by Christopher Cantwell, with art by Ángel Unzueta, colors by Marissa Louise and letters by Clayton Cowles.
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“Star Trek: Prey: Book 2: The Jackal’s Trick” Review by Lessaccurategrandmother.blogspot.com
Lessaccurategrandmother.blogspot.com has added a new review for John Jackson Miller‘s “Star Trek: Prey: Book 2: The Jackal’s Trick”:
The Jackal’s Trick picks up the plot threads from Hell’s Heart, but shifts focus in terms of character somewhat. Whereas Hell’s Heart gave us a lot of the Enterprise crew as its main Starfleet characters, this one, especially in its earlier chapters, focuses more on the Titan crew.
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Happy 2024 Birthday to Kevin Dilmore!
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Happy birthday to Kevin Dilmore!
Kevin Dilmore is a Kansas-based writer of many Star Trek novels and short stories, specifically in the Star Trek: Starfleet Corps of Engineers series. He often collaborates with Dayton Ward.
In 1997, he began writing for the Star Trek: Communicator. Before working there, he was a newspaper reporter and editor for almost fifteen years on a community newspaper in Kansas.
Check out the Kevin Dilmore author page to view more author updates and a full list of books!
Find Kevin Dilmore’s work on Amazon.com
Windows Recall demands an extraordinary level of trust that Microsoft hasn’t earned
Op-ed: The risks to Recall are way too high for security to be secondary.
I swear to god if this is released in any more at all on my of my computers I’m going to go fully into ubuntu.
Texas asks people to avoid using their cars
Ozone pollution is expected to reach a concerning level on Friday.
Happy 2024 Birthday to Joe Haldeman!
(Photo by Mikko Aarnio)
Happy birthday to Joe Haldeman!
Joe William Haldeman is the Oklahoma-born author of Planet of Judgment and World Without End, as well as over twenty other books. He is the younger brother of Jack C. Haldeman II.
He graduated from the University of Maryland in 1967 with a BS in Astronomy, and later went on to achieve an MFA in Creative Writing from the Iowa Writer’s Workshop in 1975. He is currently an Adjunct Professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, where he teaches writing. The Forever War is one of his best known non-Trek works, and reflects his personal experiences in the Vietnam War (during which he was awarded a Purple Heart for bravery and was wounded.). Many people have seen the work as a reply to Robert Heinlein’s Starship Troopers.
He has been married since 1965.
Check out the Joe Haldeman author page to view more author updates and a full list of books!
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Happy 2024 Birthday to Dayton Ward!
(Photo by Drobertpowell )
Happy birthday to Dayton Ward!
Dayton Ward is a writer and software developer based out of Kansas City, Missouri. He has written a large number of Star Trek novels and short stories, specifically Star Trek: Starfleet Corps of Engineers. He often collaborates with Kevin Dilmore.
Ward was born in Tampa, Florida. After leaving high school, he joined the US Marine Corps, where he served for almost eleven years. He is married and has two daughters.
Check out the Dayton Ward author page to view more author updates and a full list of books!
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Out Today: “Star Trek: Strange New Worlds: Scorpius Run TPB”
Out today: “Star Trek: Strange New Worlds: Scorpius Run TPB“, by Mike Johnson and Ryan Parrott.
Set course with Captain Pike and the crew of the U.S.S. Enterprise to the Scorpius Constellation as they become the first Federation vessel to explore this uncharted region of space! In this romp across the stars, the Enterprise crew learn what it truly means to explore the strange and unfamiliar when they lose contact with Starfleet and everything outside the region. After entering a crime lord’s starship competition to save an innocent pilot, the Enterprise jets through a gauntlet of dangerous environments in the unexplored Scorpius sector. But cosmic storms and sentient ship-eating asteroids aren’t the only obstacles the crew will have to survive!
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Out Today: “Star Trek: Sons of Star Trek #3”
Out today: “Star Trek: Sons of Star Trek #3“, by Morgan Hampton.
In a-SNAP!-turn of events, Q Jr has kidnapped three of Starfleet’s eldest sons and transported them to an alternate reality.By way of a bold maneuver with Lieutenant Jadzia at the helm, the U.S.S. Avery crew finally avoided being turned to shrapnel by the Breen… for now. But the crew now face a new challenge: The infamous Curzon maneuver has left them sitting dead in space, and the Breen have already begun infiltrating the ship. To make matters worse, QJ’s powers have stopped working. It’s do or die for Jake Sisko and the crew of the Avery-for real this time!
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Star Trek Book Deals For June 2024
This month’s ebook deals have landed with 8 books on sale for $0.99 – $1.99 each, books that have never been on sale are in bold:
Cross-Stitch: Explore Strange New Worlds of Crafting
Star Trek: Day of Honor Omnibus
Star Trek: Discovery: Dead Endless
Star Trek: Enterprise Logs
Star Trek: Picard: The Last Best Hope
Star Trek: The Brave And The Bold Book 1
Star Trek: The Brave And The Bold Book 2
Star Trek: The Klingon Dictionary
RIP ICQ: Remembering a classic messaging app that was way ahead of its time
I had an account with them, 5542507 but it was registered before they required email addresses and somewhere along the line they broke something on my account and I found I wasn’t able to log in. It wasn’t as terrible as it could have been, because by that time everyone I talked with online had migrated to AIM. I remember the first few weeks of using ICQ and how amazing it was to have a live conversation with someone via text and the best part of it was that if someone was offline you could send them a message and they’d get it when they signed on.
I miss those days that you could sign off of an account easily.
Happy 2024 Birthday to Kristine Kathryn Rusch!
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Happy birthday to Kristine Kathryn Rusch!
Kristine Kathryn Rusch is an American writer and editor. She writes under various pseudonyms in multiple genres, including science fiction, fantasy, mystery, romance, and mainstream.
Rusch won the Hugo Award for Best Novelette in 2001 for her story “Millennium Babies” and the 2003 Endeavour Award for The Disappeared 2002. Her story “Recovering Apollo 8” won the Sidewise Award for Alternate History (short form) in 2008. Her novel The Enemy Within won the Sidewise (long form) in 2015. She is married to fellow writer Dean Wesley Smith; they have collaborated on several works.
She edited The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction for six years, from mid-1991 through mid-1997, winning one Hugo Award as Best Professional Editor. Rusch and Smith operated Pulphouse Publishing for many years and edited the original (hardback) incarnation of Pulphouse Magazine; they won a World Fantasy Award in 1989.
Check out the Kristine Kathryn Rusch author page to view more author updates and a full list of books!
Find Kristine Kathryn Rusch’s work on Amazon.com
Out Today: “The Most Human: Reconciling with My Father, Leonard Nimoy”
Out today: “The Most Human: Reconciling with My Father, Leonard Nimoy“, by Adam Nimoy.
Even before Star Trek I’d see him popping up in bit roles on some of my favorite TV shows like Get Smart, Sea Hunt, and The Man From U.N.C.L.E. And then one night he brought home Polaroids of himself in makeup and wardrobe for a pilot he was working on. It was December 1964 and nobody had heard of Star Trek. Still, the eight-year-old me had watched enough Outer Limits and My Favorite Martian to understand exactly what I was looking at.
Spock’s popularity happened quickly, and soon the fan magazines were writing about dad’s personal life, characterizing us as a “close family.” But the awkwardness that defined our early relationship blossomed into conflict, sometimes smoldering, sometimes open and intense. There were occasional flashes of warmth between the arguments and hurt feelings—even something akin to love—especially when we were celebrating my father’s many successes. The rest of the time, things between us were often strained.
My resentment towards my father kept building through the years. I wasn’t blameless, I know that now, but my bitterness blinded me to any thought of my own contribution to the problem.
I wanted things to be different for my children. I wanted to be the father I never had, so I coached Maddy’s soccer, drove Jonah to music lessons, helped them with their homework—all the things dads are supposed to do. All the things I wanted to do. So what if my Dad and I had been estranged for years? I was living one day at a time.
And then I got his letter.
That marked a turning point in our lives, a moment that cleared the way for a new relationship between us.
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New Star Trek Book: “Star Trek Explorer: A Year to the Day That I Saw Myself Die and Other Stories”
Star Trek Explorer: A Year to the Day That I Saw Myself Die and Other Stories by Chris Dows and Chris McAuley and David Mack and Greg Cox and Jake Black and Michael Dismuke and Mike Collins and Peter Holmstrom and Rich Handley and Una McCormack and Walter Koenig has been added to the Star Trek Book Club! There’s no official cover yet, so keep an eye on the book page for updates!
The book is currently scheduled to be published on October 1, 2024
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New Book Announcement: “Star Trek: Strange New Worlds: Toward The Night” by James Swallow
James Swallow has announced a new Trek book featuring the Strange New Worlds crew, due to be released April 29, 2025. Preorders are already up!
A thrilling new novel based on the Paramount+ TV series Star Trek: Strange New Worlds!
While patrolling the borders of the Klingon Empire, Captain Christopher Pike and the crew of the USS Enterprise detect a series of subspace echoes from a planet orbiting a volatile flare star — and when Lieutenant Spock and Commander Una Chin-Riley lead a landing party to learn more, they discover the ruins of a dead civilization and evidence of starship-grade metals…quite possibly a crash site.
As they continue to investigate the strange signals, Spock and Una find shocking signs of dangerous alien life and remnants of what can only be Federation hardware. The trail soon leads Pike and Enterprise’s helmswoman Lieutenant Erica Ortegas deep into the mystery of a lost Starfleet vessel, missing in action for over ninety years—and to a terrible dilemma that will challenge the crew to question their past…and their future.
Preview of “Star Trek: Sons of Star Trek #3”
Here’s a preview of Star Trek: Sons of Star Trek #3 by Morgan Hampton which is due to be released this Wednesday on June 5, 2024 at your local comic shop and digital retailers:
“Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: The Captain’s Table Book Three: The Mist” Review by Deepspacespines.com
Deepspacespines.com has added a new review for Dean Wesley Smith and Kristine Kathryn Rusch‘s “Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: The Captain’s Table Book Three: The Mist”:
In today’s episode, the DS9 crew discovers a group of people who can add and remove sprite layers to space on demand. But Sisko might have a tough time taking the man who brought the Defiant over seriously, considering the wildfire blazing in his pants region. What kind of basic is Sisko? Has stress made him forget his quadrants? And what if someone has to go to the bathroom during your story? All this and more in The Mist, the book that knows it’s always time for nachos.
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“Star Trek Giant Poster Book: Voyage Three” Review by Collectingtrek.ca
Collectingtrek.ca has added a new review for anthony fredrickson and Doug Drexler and Eileen Palestine and el mono and geoffrey marsh and george snow and Ron Barlow‘s “Star Trek Giant Poster Book: Voyage Three”:
This issue was devoted to “the humor of Star Trek” and that was a good choice. The show did funny really well, even though Gene Roddenberry famously did not want his creation to concentrate on jocularity. That is understandable in the context of the 1960s: science fiction in general and Star Trek in particular were struggling to be taken seriously, and pop sci-fi often did not help.
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Happy 2024 Birthday to Myrna Culbreath!
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Happy birthday to Myrna Culbreath!
Myrna Culbreath is the author and editor of several early Star Trek novels, and also one of the biographers of William Shatner.
She collaborates with Sondra Marshak.
Check out the Myrna Culbreath author page to view more author updates and a full list of books!
Find Myrna Culbreath’s work on Amazon.com
“Star Trek: Celebrations #1” Review by Dailystartreknews.com
Dailystartreknews.com has added a new review for Hannah Rose May and Magdalene Visaggio and Steve Orlando and Vita Ayala‘s “Star Trek: Celebrations #1”:
As both a queer person and a Star Trek fan I was incredibly excited for the Star Trek: Celebrations comic that IDW was releasing to celebrate pride this year. I drove over an hour both ways to pick up this comic and it took all my self restraint not to pull over and read the comic on my drive back. Once I got home I immediately started reading, and frankly, I’m a little disappointed.
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Ken Burns, H’24 Keynote Address to Brandeis University’s 2024 Graduates
Skip to the 13 minute mark if you want to hear the real reason this was posted here.
Happy 2024 Birthday to Mike W. Barr!
(Photo by Super Festivals
Happy birthday to Mike W. Barr!
Mike W. Barr also credited as Mike Barr, is a writer of comic books and novels. Outside of his Star Trek work, he wrote Batman and the Outsiders, Mantra, and Camelot 3000.
Check out the Mike W. Barr author page to view more author updates and a full list of books!
Find Mike W. Barr’s work on Amazon.com
“Star Trek: Celebrations #1” Review by Trekcentral.net
Trekcentral.net has added a new review for Hannah Rose May and Magdalene Visaggio and Steve Orlando and Vita Ayala‘s “Star Trek: Celebrations #1”:
There’s a real treat this week in the realm of comic books. That would be Star Trek: Celebrations which is on sale this week from IDW Publishing! The one-shot is a sort of LGBTQIA+ pride month celebration, highlighting the diverse roster of queer characters in the Star Trek universe. Looking at the cover, it’s lovely to see so many faces. However it is a little telling that nearly half of them are from the same show, Star Trek: Discovery, which is coming to an end tomorrow.
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Out Today: “Star Trek: Celebrations #1”
Out today: “Star Trek: Celebrations #1“, by Hannah Rose May and Magdalene Visaggio and Steve Orlando and Vita Ayala.
“Star Trek was an attempt to say that humanity will reach maturity and wisdom on the day that it begins not just to tolerate but to celebrate differences in ideas and differences in life forms.” -Gene Roddenberry
IDW proudly presents a one-shot anthology centering and celebrating LGBTQIA+ characters from across the Star Trek universe! Join legendary heroes from each era of the beloved franchise in stories that showcase the strengths of infinite diversity in infinite combinations, brought to you by a star-studded cast of writers and artists including Vita Ayala, Steve Orlando, Mags Visaggio, and more!
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Out Today: “Star Trek: Discovering The TV Series”
Out today: “Star Trek: Discovering The TV Series“, by Tom Salinsky.
How well do you know Star Trek? Lifelong science fiction fan, podcaster and author Tom Salinsky decided that the answer was “not well enough,” and so at the beginning of 2022, he embarked on a two-year mission to watch everything from the start of The Original Series to the end of Enterprise, at the rate of one episode per day. This book is the first part of that odyssey, covering the 79 television episodes which started it all, the animated series which briefly brought it back in the 1970s, the first six original movies and the full run of The Next Generation. Whether you’re a die-hard fan, a casual viewer, or just someone interested in the history of television, you’ll adore coming on this daily journey though the highs and lows of one of the most significant and much-loved media properties in the world.
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Preview of “Star Trek: Celebrations #1”
Here’s a preview of Star Trek: Celebrations #1 by Hannah Rose May and Magdalene Visaggio and Steve Orlando and Vita Ayala which is due to be released this Wednesday on May 29, 2024 at your local comic shop and digital retailers:
IDW proudly presents a one-shot anthology centering and celebrating LGBTQIA+ characters from across the Star Trek universe! Join legendary heroes from each era of the beloved franchise in stories that showcase the strengths of infinite diversity in infinite combinations, brought to you by a star-studded cast of writers and artists including Vita Ayala, Steve Orlando, Mags Visaggio, and more!
Happy 2024 Birthday to Lawrence M. Krauss!
(Photo by Jvangiel)
Happy birthday to Lawrence M. Krauss!
Lawrence Maxwell Krauss is a professor of physics and astronomy, and Foundation Professor of the School of Earth and Space Exploration at Arizona State University. He is also director of its Origins Project.
He’s the author of ten popular books, explaining scientific principles and physics for a general public, using, in the cases of the international bestseller The Physics of Star Trek, and Beyond Star Trek, examples from the live-action Star Trek franchise as illustrative back-drops for his treatises. Other popular works, Krauss has written include the award winning Atom, and Hiding in the Mirror: The Mysterious Allure of Extra Dimensions from Plato to String Theory and Beyond.
Krauss also appeared in a segment of How William Shatner Changed the World.
Check out the Lawrence M. Krauss author page to view more author updates and a full list of books!
Find Lawrence M. Krauss’s work on Amazon.com
“Star Trek: The Next Generation: The Captain’s Table: 2 Dujonian’s Hoard” Review by Deepspacespines.com
Deepspacespines.com has added a new review for Michael Jan Friedman‘s “Star Trek: The Next Generation: The Captain’s Table: 2 Dujonian’s Hoard”:
In today’s episode, when Starfleet sends Picard in search of an AWOL captain, he picks Worf for his plus-one. But the search-and-rescue doubles as a treasure hunt, and the first one to find it will be singing glor’ya, glor’ya, hallelujah. Can MJF get away with putting his prose in characters’ mouths? How well does naming characters after things near you on your desk work out? And did Picard’s quarry go through some changes after leaving Starfleet? All this and more in Dujonian’s Hoard, the book that spares the Bolian (sort of).
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US officials: A Russian rocket launch last week likely deployed a space weapon
“Naming space as a warfighting domain was kind of forbidden, but that’s changed.”
Lawsuit Filed To Remove North Carolina Courthouse’s Confederate Monument For ‘Faithful Slaves’
The Confederate monument is in Tyrrell County, North Carolina.
“Star Trek: Defiant #15” Review by Trekcentral.net
Trekcentral.net has added a new review for Christopher Cantwell‘s “Star Trek: Defiant #15”:
The penultimate part of the ‘Hell is only a Word’ arc amps up the tension in Star Trek: Defiant #15. In the last issue, we learned quite a lot about the Parasites’ plans. Their goals extend well outside of Starbase 99, and into universal domination. Spock, mind-melding with an infected B’Elanna learned of the interdimensional portal they’d used to get onto the Starbase. Even crazier, there’s a massive Parasite Queen below deck who’d stop at nothing to put their nasty plans in motion.
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New Star Trek Comic Books Announced To Preorder! May 2024 Edition
After defying the laws of physics to reach the Pleroma, Captain Sisko and the Theseus crew find themselves unwelcome. The gods want them home and warn that everyone will die if they don’t leave, but they’re too late and their worst fears just might come true. The new godkiller is on their doorsteps… and it’s none other than Lore!
Celebrate IDW’s 500th issue of Star Trek comics (and an early Star Trek Day!) with this landmark oversized anthology issue! This collection of five short stories spans through fan-favorite eras of the beloved franchise from Lower Decks to Strange New Worlds, legacy characters from The Next Generation and the original series, written and illustrated by Star Trek comics veterans and new voices alike. Plus, don’t miss out on the prelude to 2025’s big Star Trek and Defiant comic crossover event written by Jackson Lanzing, Collin Kelly, and Christopher Cantwell!
With Spock rotting in a Romulan cell aboard Sela’s ship, the rest of the Defiant crew readies the farmers of Antara for an invasion by General Revo and his relentless Romulan army. This leaves Worf, B’Elanna, and Ro with two crewmates down, and despite how hopeful the planet’s population is, what are three failed Starfleet officers and lowly resistance fighters to a heavily armed and technologically advanced Romulan strike team?
Trump’s Assassination Fantasy Has a Darker Purpose
The ex-president’s stories of his own victimization make violence by his supporters far more likely.
Parole Board ‘Unanimously’ Says Murderer Who Drove Into BLM Protesters And Shot 1 To Death Should Be Pardoned
Daniel Perry drove his car into BLM protesters and shot one to death.
Olivia Munn Says She Documented Cancer Journey for Her Son: ‘I Fought to Be Here’
Olivia Munn documented her cancer journey to show her son what she endured.
‘Inappropriate’ Photo of Pregnant Woman is Pulled From Times Square
The campaign has slammed the decision, calling it hypocritcal.
Microsoft being investigated over new ‘Recall’ AI feature that tracks your every PC move
Cybersecurity experts are flagging issues with one of Microsoft’s latest announcements.