Aaaaannnnnd, the Texas Supreme Court has stayed this Judge’s order….The woman is 20 weeks pregnant with a likely non-viable fetus that has a high potential of taking her with it if it is still born.
Sorry ladies, but Texas says that you don’t get to self actualize.
Saborlas (#554)
9 months ago
All you people saying we were exaggerating in November 2016?
I would love to have the Judge haul Paxton in front of him and question him for interfering in a court order…..
Aaaaannnnnd, the Texas Supreme Court has stayed this Judge’s order….The woman is 20 weeks pregnant with a likely non-viable fetus that has a high potential of taking her with it if it is still born.
Sorry ladies, but Texas says that you don’t get to self actualize.
All you people saying we were exaggerating in November 2016?
Enjoy that crow sammich.