Texas Threatens Doctors After Judge Says Woman Can Get Emergency Abortion

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton threatened doctors after a judge granted a woman the ability to obtain an emergency abortion.

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    3 Responses ttto Texas Threatens Doctors After Judge Says Woman Can Get Emergency Abortion

    1. FullofStars says:

      I would love to have the Judge haul Paxton in front of him and question him for interfering in a court order…..

      • FullofStars says:

        Aaaaannnnnd, the Texas Supreme Court has stayed this Judge’s order….The woman is 20 weeks pregnant with a likely non-viable fetus that has a high potential of taking her with it if it is still born.

        Sorry ladies, but Texas says that you don’t get to self actualize.

    2. Saborlas says:

      All you people saying we were exaggerating in November 2016?

      Enjoy that crow sammich.

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